Trinity Women began Titus 2 Discipleship Groups that will run from May 2018-April 2019.   We will begin new groups in May of 2019!

TCC Wide Announcements - Titus 2 Discipleship Groups.001.jpeg

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is this women’s discipleship ministry called Titus 2 Discipleship (T2D)? The Titus mandate was given to the young pastor Titus by Paul in Titus 2:1-5. He instructed Titus to equip older women in the congregation to teach the younger women.

2. What is the purpose of this ministry? The Titus 2 Discipleship ministry is to support the discipleship ministry of Trinity Community Church by helping women establish covenant relationships with godly

-Women who will encourage and equip them to live for God’s glory.

-Learn to think biblically about all of life, including sexuality.

-Seek to bring their lives under the authority of God’s Word

-Begin to apply biblical principles to relationships and circumstances.

-Establish covenant relationships with other women.

-Become equipped to spiritually mother other women and girls.

-Grow in their love for and service to the church.

-Cultivate a life-giving culture in the church where women share the gospel and their lives with one another.

3. What is the curriculum? We will use the book Spiritual Mothering by Susan Hunt for year one. Year two and three are not decided yet. You only commit to one year at a time.

4. Is there homework? Yes, read the assigned chapters & answer questions, possibly keep a journal if that helps you grow and interact with the teaching.

5. What will we do at the meetings? In addition to discussing the assigned chapter, we will spend time getting to know each other, sharing prayer requests, and praying for one another.

6. How long is the commitment? Each group will meet once a month for a year.

7. Is this ministry just for young mothers? Not at all. All women: single and married, young & old, our heart is that women of all ages are invited to participate.

8. Why is it called “spiritual mothering”? Because T2D is a nurturing ministry.

9. How many women are in each group? There will be 6-8 women in a group.

10. When will the groups meet? Once a month on the chosen day & time. Each group will meet for approximately 2 hours to accomplish the purpose stated above.

11. Where will the groups meet? We will post a list of locations, days & times the different groups will be meeting and you will be able to sign up for your best day & time.






12. Will childcare be available? Unless the group sign up states that childcare will be available, it will not be available. We are hoping the different days & times will make way for that area to workout at home.

13. Who will lead the groups? Some of the ladies at Trinity completed a five week training course to introduce them to T2D. Some of those ladies will be leaders, support leaders or become a part of a group.


We are praying for you as you seek the Lord about participating. Titus 2 Discipleship groups are a new arm of outreach & ministry for Trinity Women and we believe the Lord has led us down this path for His glory and so much more!
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, we are open hearted, we want to serve you and grow with you as the Lord leads us together!

                          Blessings Ladies!
                                   Trinity Women Team

Past & Present Events...

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Past Event: Women's Conference: September 29-30, 2017

Past Event: Women's Conference: September 29-30, 2017